Turkish Cargo Ranks 3rd among Global Air Cargo Carriers

Turkish Cargo Ranks 3rd Global Air Cargo Carriers

Turkish Cargo, the air cargo brand of Turkish Airlines, ranked 3rd among the leading air cargo carriers in the world in the wake of a prospering performance in May.

Regarding the achievement of Turkish Cargo, Turkish Airlines Chairman of the Board and the Executive Committee, Prof. Dr Ahmet Bolat, said, “We, as Turkish Cargo, are continuing to reinforce our leading position in the industry in line with our target to grow and improve continuously. We recognize these achievements as a commitment to our future targets and work harder to add further value to the air cargo industry.”

Turkish Airlines Chairman of the Board and the Executive Committee, Prof. Dr Ahmet Bolat

The successful brand, ranked 5th in the same period of last year according to the monthly data published by the International Air Transport Association, became one of the top 3 air cargo carriers by overtaking the top brands in America, Europe and the Far East during May of 2023.

According to the FTK (Freight Tonne Kilometers), derived by multiplying the cargo tonnage carried by air by the kilometres covered, Turkish Cargo increased its cargo tonnage by 17% compared to the previous month while raising its market share to 5.4% from 4.7% by increasing it 0.8 points as compared to April.

As one of the fastest-growing air cargo brands in the world, Turkish Cargo continues to raise the bar for success higher day by day and combines its wide range of services and operational capabilities with the unique geographical advantages of its hub in Türkiye.

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Ryan Finn
Ryan is the Digital Marketing and Content Creation Manager for Trade and Logistics Siam Ltd. He provides a creative flair to the team and his resourcefulness helps to bring an imaginative improvement to both literary archetypes and online content production. A writer by day and a rider by night, when he's not composing the latest logistics news update or creating compelling copy for our clients, Ryan spends his free time travelling Thailand by motorbike.